Airsoft Gun With the Most Recoil

Airsoft Gun With the Most Recoil

Do airsoft guns have a recoil and how good is it?

Airsoft guns are great replicas of the real guns and they practice nearly everything correct to mimic the realism, but the recoil is a big task for whatever airsoft gun to completely replicate.

Recoil is quite awesome, but it is also what makes existent guns hard to control before you get used to them.

Airsoft guns in some other paw, do not have this same trouble because the recoil works differently on them.

So, in short do airsoft guns accept recoil at all?

All airsoft guns have recoil, merely only blowback airsoft guns have a noticeable recoil that can exist compared to the recoil of the real guns. However, even the recoil on blowback guns is not equally realistic equally the real gun recoil.

As information technology is said, all airsoft guns must take some recoil because the Newton constabulary states that every action must take a reaction that is equal in energy.

Therefore, if you hold whatsoever airsoft gun in your hands there will exist some minimal recoil nowadays at to the lowest degree, just y'all won't necessarily be able to experience it.

In the following, I volition explain how strong is the recoil on each airsoft gun type, explain its importance for airsoft and eventually give you some advice on what are the ways to get the maximum recoil on your airsoft gun.

What airsoft guns have recoil and why

Leap guns

Airsoft jump guns are known for their simplicity and such guns do not rely on whatsoever free energy source, only your ain muscles and the spring mechanism. It is non a surprise that they do not support the blowback mechanism and overall practise non produce much recoil at all.

All the same, spring guns are either bolt action or pump action powered and they do mimic the real sniper and shotguns to some extent at least in that style.

Many real snipers and shotguns use a like principle to work, so it comes with some realism. The just large downside is that at that place won't exist about any recoil later you lot shot it.

Electric guns

AEGs are more than powerful and advanced than spring guns, then logically you could look to feel more recoil on them, but the difference will exist pretty much neglectable.

AEGs are made for efficiency and performance after all and recoil is non their thing.

This can be seen the all-time from the lack of blowback mechanism on electric airsoft guns, there is rarely any such gun that is famous and solid.

Does it mean that there are no blowback electric guns at all that you tin purchase? Absolutely not, but in my opinion, gas blowback rifles are better at blowback feature and recoil, and gas blowback rifles came commencement on the market.

I won't recommend blowback AEG guns considering I accept not tested such guns, but yous tin make further research on AEG blowback considering there seem to be some fine guns.

Gas guns

If in that location is a gun you should go after in order to come up as close to the realistic recoil as possible, and then you lot should go subsequently gas airsoft guns.

Blowback guns have a sliding mechanism at tiptop of them that allows them to mimic the real gun blowback feature which too generates boosted recoil.

Gas is a more powerful energy source than electricity and information technology can create lots of pressure, thus making the blowback sliding mechanism worth it.

There are blowback and not-blowback airsoft gas guns available, withal, the serious recoil can just be felt on a blowback 1.

How good the kickback is, also depends on the model to model and if you are going after the recoil, and so you should carefully read the reviews and experiences of other people in order to option the strongest one.

So, the determination is to go for quality, high-velocity blowback gas guns for the best recoil, the only downside is that some of these guns can be very expensive.

Should you apply Green gas or Co2 on Gas guns for best performance?

Airsoft gas guns can be powered either by Co2 and dark-green gas and I believe that Co2 is the only gas you should use in nearly every state of affairs.

Y'all should definitely make further research on gas guns if you have not already, but in brusk, I will mention that light-green gas behaves quite poorly in a cold environment, while Co2 seems to never truly disappoint.

Yet, gas guns volition always be trickier than spring guns or AEGs when it comes to performance and handling.

Due to the properties of the gas, there are more components within gas guns that can become damaged than in any other gun type.

You can notice some relevant information in my post nigh CO2 for gas guns here, and then you tin can get a deeper understanding of what information technology takes to ain a gas airsoft gun.

How to add the recoil to your airsoft gun

Buy a GBB

Have a look at this guy's GBBR, this kind of a recoil can be achieved with loftier tier GBBR guns only!

Honestly, this is the best advice if yous desire a realistic kickback characteristic on your airsoft gun.

Sell the AEG if y'all ain one and buy a GBB with the coin.

Still, this greatly depends on what you want to achieve, exercise you need a blowback feature on your master gun or you can rock information technology on the secondary one?

Many experienced players use blowback on their secondary gun and rather focus on efficiency and performance on their primary one.

GBBR are bang-up guns but are also harder to maintain and cost more than AEGs, and then if you are a beginner consider all the advantages and disadvantages.

Blowback pistols are crawly and both, beginners and experienced players should go for i!

Should you install the recoil kit on your current airsoft gun?

There are recoil kits available for your AEGs, so if you want to add the recoil to information technology, you could technically experiment with these recoil kits.

Still, I practice not think that they are worth information technology and I have based this assumption on the experiences of other players who have tried to upgrade their AEG with a kit.

Everyone reported that such kits practice not provide a recoil that would be worth the money spent and the other potential expenses and time wasted in case the gun started to malfunction and these kits practise weaken the gun internals appropriately.

I have not experimented with these kits, but I neither never had a want to do and then after I heard all the negative stories.

I might be wrong, but I am sure that you won't risk with a brand new GBB that'south beingness proven to work every day in the fields.

HPA system tin increase recoil

Whether you want to add together the recoil to a rifle, SMG, pistol, shotgun, or to a sniper, HPA systems will heave it if the blowback mechanism exists on the gun.

HPA is the best free energy source that can be controlled by you to its finest, allowing y'all to increment near every characteristic on your airsoft gun.

However, not all guns are compatible with HPA systems and to install ane requires knowledge, then you might not be able to do it on your own!

Earlier you make a decision and autumn in love with HPA, make sure that you have researched everything about it because in that location is plenty of enquiry to be done about HPA!

Yous tin can start your research with one of the posts that I have written to introduce new players to the advantages of HPA in airsoft.

Advantages and disadvantages of having blowback recoil on airsoft guns


For many players, realism is what makes airsoft so exciting and it indeed offers a diversity of different gun replicas, tactical gear, and opportunities to replicate real battle strategies in the field.

Recoil plays a big function in the overall realism of every airsoft gun, therefore players who really like the immersion choose blowback guns instead of not-blowback guns.

Although the kickback is not every bit strong as the kickback on real guns, most loftier-tier blowback airsoft guns exercise a proficient job, just they still significantly differ from real guns in terms of bodily touch on.

Blowback airsoft guns are a good selection for target practicing and competitive play, nevertheless, if you ever decide to go for the existent guns, you will notice that the recoil on real guns takes way more than hours of practice to be properly controlled and mastered.

Efficiency and performance

Realism at the side, there are reasons why some players do not prefer blowback and it's kickback characteristic and efficiency and operation are some of them.

Every blowback gun uses more energy (usually gas) for the aforementioned operation than a non-blowback version.

It is due to boosted requests that a gun performs besides beingness focused to propel a BB throughout the barrel.

The blowback mechanism constantly slides from betoken A to betoken B during shooting and in order for such activeness to be performed, the gun needs to use more power from the energy source.

Not-blowback guns simply use the bachelor power from the energy source to propel a BB and that's it.

For instance, a blowback gun will simply shoot four magazines on one cartridge while the non-blowback one will shoot twice as much.


Blowback guns are complex and are built of more moving parts than their non-blowback counterparts.

This means that y'all volition take to clean them more often and make sure that every part is properly lubricated, so it does not intermission.

Regular non-blowback AEGs are easier to maintain and you do not accept to clean them that often at all.

If you cull to go for GBBR information technology volition exist necessary to clean it after nigh every game!

Gas blowback pistols, on the other hand, are quite pop and a way lesser of a problem when it comes to maintenance, just however crave more of it than non-blowback pistols.


The last important cistron is the expenses that blowback guns make compared to the expenses of a non-blowback variant.

You can make your own calculations depending on how often you desire to use your airsoft gun, but behave in mind that the gas expenses tin can add upwards over time and although it may not exist a big deal at the start, information technology could get one sooner than y'all realize.

If yous want to observe more virtually the cost of Co2 and blowback guns themselves, you lot can bank check my mail where I have compared blowback guns with not-blowback guns here.

Airsoft Gun With the Most Recoil

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